Domestic carrier Air Mandalay has announced that it has “temporarily” suspended operations, the second airline to do so in just a few months, in Myanmar’s internal aviation market. In a statement, the airline said that operations “may resume” in the future depending on market conditions.“It is increasingly challenging to operate in Myanmar’s aviation sector,” Air Mandalay spokesperson Daw May Thandar Win was quoted as saying. In July, FMI Air ceased operations due to increased fuel costs and a drop in the tourism industry, according to an article in Frontier. A fall in the number of airlines operating in the country has been expected for some time by analysts. In 2016, aviation industry consultancy CAPA-Centre for Aviation said it was “staggering” that 10 carriers were serving a market of only about two million passengers. Other airlines to halt operations in recent years include Air Bagan, Apex Airlines and Asian Wings Airways.
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Myanmar in the Media
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- ‘We’ve lost all hope’: Rohingya trapped as Bangladesh closes Myanmar borderSource: GuardianJanuary 22, 202514 hours ago
- 42 Rohingya migrants detained in PhuketSource: Bangkok Post Recent StoriesJanuary 21, 20252 days ago
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