At least five people have been killed, and tens of thousands displaced, amid flooding in large parts of the country in the past week. An official from the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement confirmed to AFP that five people had been killed, and said that more than 54,000 people had been displaced by the flooding, which was caused by heavy monsoon rains. Photos have been shared in local media and online showing fields entirely submerged, and of local residents wading through water that is neck-high. Evacuation orders have been issued in several parts of the country, and 163 camps have been established for those fleeing the flooding in the country’s south, east and center, according to the AFP report. Myanmar is hit by severe flooding every year, with some of the heaviest rains falling in late July and early August. One of the heaviest downfalls came in 2015, when an estimated 100 people died, and thousands were displaced nationwide.