Business owners in Chin State have requested the government to exempt tax for 7-10 years for domestic and foreign investors. According to an article in Myanmar Business Today, U Khaw Lelian, president of the Chin State of Commerce and Industry, also urged the government to establish industrial zones in the state in order to create jobs for local people. Chin State is one of Myanmar’s least developed states, with few job prospects for local people. Many people from Chin State have been forced to move abroad in search of work. The Chin State government is planning to build three hydropower projects in the state. The projects include a 360 MW project in Tonzan Township, a 600 MW plant on the Laymyo River, and a 90 MW dam on the Kalartan River. Work is also underway to construct the state’s first airport, at Falam, with operations currently expected to start in 2021.