Japan counters China with massive LNG plant

The government has given three Japanese firms and a Myanmar partner approval to proceed with what will be one of the largest gas-fired power plants in the country. The liquid natural gas (LNG) plant will be located in Yangon Region’s Thilawa Sp
Trade with Japan tops USD 1 billion in H1 of 2019-20 FY

Trade with Japan tops USD 1 billion in H1 of 2019-20 FY

According to the numbers released by the Ministry of Commerce, the value of trade between Myanmar and its development partner Japan exceeded USD 1.15 billion in the first half of the current fiscal year that started in October 2019. Exports represent

Pandemic aid focuses on SMEs

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has announced that it will provide USD 46 million in soft loans for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) suffering from the COVID-19 economic fallout. The money adds to a growing bloc of foreign assist
Myanmar to launch its first satellite in 2021

Myanmar to launch its first satellite in 2021

The Nikkei Asian Review reported that Myanmar plans to launch its first satellite in 2021 with the help of Japan’s Hokkaido University and Tohoku University, using Japanese technology. The satellite will be an earth observation satellite, which

Japan grants major infrastructure loans

One week after China signed a batch of new trade deals with Myanmar, Japan announced that it will provide Myanmar USD 1.1 billion in loans to fund four major infrastructure projects. The agreement, signed by Japanese ambassador to Myanmar Ichiro Maru
Japan to launch project to boost farm productivity in Myanmar

Japan to launch project to boost farm productivity in Myanmar

The daily Japanese newspaper The Mainichi, reported that the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Myanmar government signed an agreement to launch a 390 million yen (USD 3.6 million), 4-year long, project to boost irrigation and agri