Foreign pandemic loans top USD 2.5 billion

It appears a new round of foreign loans have helped the COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan, or CERP, reach its massive price tag. A new round of parliament-approved financing from Japan and the International Monetary Fund have put the total value of forei

Pandemic aid focuses on SMEs

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has announced that it will provide USD 46 million in soft loans for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) suffering from the COVID-19 economic fallout. The money adds to a growing bloc of foreign assist

Parliament approves borrowing from IMF and JICA

Parliament has approved accepting large loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This funding will help the government carry out its sweeping COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan (CERP), which may cost as much as USD 2 billion. During the same sess

Japan grants major infrastructure loans

One week after China signed a batch of new trade deals with Myanmar, Japan announced that it will provide Myanmar USD 1.1 billion in loans to fund four major infrastructure projects. The agreement, signed by Japanese ambassador to Myanmar Ichiro Maru
Japan to launch project to boost farm productivity in Myanmar

Japan to launch project to boost farm productivity in Myanmar

The daily Japanese newspaper The Mainichi, reported that the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Myanmar government signed an agreement to launch a 390 million yen (USD 3.6 million), 4-year long, project to boost irrigation and agri
Myanmar and Japan sign new grant agreement

Myanmar and Japan sign new grant agreement

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a USD 4 million grant agreement for provisions of agriculture and construction equipment in the rural areas in Myanmar, according to JICA M