Bangladesh, Myanmar agree to start Rohingya repatriation by mid-November

Refugee repatriation to Myanmar will begin in November

The Bangladesh and Myanmar governments have reportedly agreed to begin the repatriation process of refugees from Bangladesh in November.  Media reports said they reached agreement after a meeting between the two governments in Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh. “We are looking forward to starting the repatriation by mid-November,” says Bangladeshi foreign secretary Mr Shahidul Haque. U Myint Thu, Myanmar’s permanent secretary for foreign affairs, said “It is the first phase”. The two countries had established a “very concrete” plan to begin the process next month. The two countries initially agreed to begin the repatriation process in November last year, but have faced numerous delays. Many in the international community, as well as refugees living in Bangladesh, have said the situation in northern Rakhine State does not warrant returns taking place, citing a lack of security, as well as guarantees for returnees’ freedom of movement.

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