Ahead of Biden takeover, China affirms support in ethnic conflict

One week before the U.S. presidential inauguration, Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi reaffirmed Beijing’s support for Myanmar in its handling of ethnic conflicts. In a meeting with President U Win Myint and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

Bangladesh relocates refugees to remote island

Bangladesh moved a second wave of Rakhine Muslim refugees from Cox’s Bazar to a remote island in the Bay of Bengal. The new wave of around 1800 people has increased the number of people relocated to the island — called Bhasan Char — to more

Mytel partners take heat in report

Human rights group Justice for Myanmar (JFM) has condemned Mytel for allegedly supporting Tatmadaw (Myanmar Army) operations. The 160-page report — titled “Nodes of Corruption, Lines of Abuse” — claims Mytel, which is partly owned by

AA claims it kidnapped 3 NLD politicians

The Arakan Army (AA) has admitted to the capture of three NLD political candidates. The candidates, who include two incumbent state parliamentarians and one national MP, were seized last week while on a campaign trip. The AA claims the kidnapping was

Officers convicted in Rakhine case

A Tatmadaw (Myanmar Army) court-martial has convicted three officers of crimes committed during the height of the Rakhine crisis, which led to a mass exodus of Muslims from Rakhine State in 2017/2018. The charges relate to alleged mass executions in

Rakhine internet blackout criticized

The controversial internet blackout in parts of Rakhine State and Chin State made international headlines this week after Human Rights Watch claimed the ban may have left hundreds of thousands of people completely unaware of COVID-19. The organizatio